
256 Audio Reviews

158 w/ Responses


It sounded very sparse to me, and it remained that way the whole way through. I'm not sure how much I like that. I do like the variety of sounds in here though. Even if there are not a million different sounds, the ones that are here are all interesting. The bass line sound atonal though. The whole thing has an "off" feeling to it. It feels alien in a way. I like it.


treyhaur responds:

Most of my stuff seems to sound a little sparse, I suppose that's a problem I'll have to address in my next project (I seemed to have fixed my problem of too much bass, so it's on to the next issue right?). This piece was in no way meant to be harmonic, however, a bit more harmony would have helped the piece come together as a whole. I think you had the best word to describe this track... atonal.

Thanks for the review!


This is pretty cool. A great break from all the oceans of generic FL studio techno that make up the audio portal. This feels so funky. It's a little sparse, but that helps each individual part to shine through, and I like it. The bass line is killer, but I feel that it overpowers everything else in the song; It may be a little too strong (either that, or everything else is just not on it's level). But really, this is great. You've got a great sound here.

8/10. 5/5

treyhaur responds:

I agree it feels a bit sparse, I was trying to work a pad in there but I just couldn't find one that worked perfect. I EQed the track to have a lot of meaty bass on purpose (listen to it with a good subwoofer, oh man...) but I may have overdid it a bit. Thanks for the review, man.


Nice, I like it. It's very cohesive. That tingly echo sound that plays constantly is nice, and it melds well with the main wubwub-dubstep sound.

The second part steps up the intensity well as the notes become more complicated and more sounds are added. It's give the song a good sense of progression, even though it's not even 2 and half minutes. I find it rare to hear a song thats so short, yet at the same time so complete.

pretty cool.

This is nice. It's amazing that you've only been using FL studio for a month now. I remember when I was a month into using FLstudio I was still turning out crap. But you've actually got a good grasp on it and you seem to know what you're doing. That's really impressive.

How did you do this beat? Are you using pre-made loops? If so, I like you layered a Dnb loop with a tribal drum loop. It works together really well. I also like the use of the didgeridoo as a sort of bassline.

Keep up the good work. I'd like to hear more from you.

ac1d-warrior responds:

Thanks allot ^-^

The drum and bass loop I made using FPC but the tribal drums are pre-made.

Hopefully ill get some time to make something else :S things are a bit hectic right now so i dont have much time to do anything.


yep, that's 8-bit alright. Sounds like it would be right at home in an Nes game. It doesn't loop well though. It just kinda starts over.

really nice.

I really like this. Smooth melody, nicely layer, good progression. I like those little "drip drop" sounds it has in the beginning, they're nice and percussive enough to give the song structure, but they're not overbearing and loud and typical drum would be. That's a really nice subtle way to give the song a back bone. I lot of people would have just jammed a kick drum in there.

I also love the way it just kind of softens out at the end. The melody ends and it just becomes the base layers.

This is quite good.

legoland12342 responds:

This is what I think of when I create ambient-sounding tracks in my head. Something soft, subtle, and yet, deliciously powerful. Glad you like it!

haha, cool

nice, it delivers exactly what the title says. I love the drum roll build ups at 0:40. That's so classic 90's. This whole track is like some sort of parody/ celebration of old trance. And that being said, it actually sounds better than a lot of stuff on here. great job with this one; I like it.


sbooy responds:

haha, thank you good sir! :)


this is pretty interesting. It was weird at first because the whole thing sounds detuned and I never really got quite used to it. Also, how does this melody even work? It feels like a few piano press and some are echoing and reverberating. It's a pretty neat sound, but it feels very structureless. I kinda like that though.

what I don't like is that thumping bass drum that appears at 3:06. It feels sporadic and arbitrary. It doesn't really flow well with the rest of the song.

Overall, this is an interesting piece though, I just wish it was a bit more cohesive.

Xublime responds:

Mhmm.. My views, and imagination isn't known as being grounded. I have a very obscure pattern like thought line. Surely, this isn't the end of my strange worlds. I will be making alot of songs, I am positively sure you will soon find a song that you will dearly hold as a favorite. Thankyou for the review, and the fair score. ^^.

That drum at 3:06, was part of the story, the transition from leaving nightmode to daymode.

- Xublime -

generally pleasant

lots of cool stuff here. The nice "video-game-y" synth at the start. The beat is constantly being changed, which is very neat. It gives the song a nice sense of progression. I also love how the bass line gives the song a bit of a reggae feel to it.
It's a little short though. Why not make it loop a little better? or just have it repeat an earlier section as a chorus. But there isn't anything here that I can really complain about. This is a great little tune.


NKAT responds:

u r a nice guy buyj3llo and I gotz much respect for your music. Thanks for taking the time man, means a lot. Have a nice time.

Great really great.

You did it! I'm amazed at this. This piece shows the same quality, attention to detail, and polish that all your other tracks also have. I especially love the intro, it builds and swells to a breaking point and releases with impact. It's a great way to start and it leads perfectly into the higher energy vibe that is carried throughout the song. The beat itself is very nice. It's that basic drum and bass pattern, but it has enough little details and extras to carry the song.

great work on this one. I hope one day I'll be able to get on your level.

Now Tayne I can get into!

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